We are inviting all Filipino Gay and Lesbian Bloggers to take part in this year’s Pride March which will take place sometime in December! Yes, we know it may still be too early, but we’re inviting you all to join us as we celebrate Pride! The organizers of this year’s Pride March — Task Force Pride and Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP) — are inviting us all to form a Bloggers Contingent for this year’s march.
There is no definite date yet, but we will post updates here soon.
Also, we can have an LGBT Bloggers Night slash meet-up sometime in October or November (I will work on getting sponsors for the venue and possibly food) for us to get to know each other more, unite our ranks, fight for our rights, and of course… party!
The world wide web has heard our voices online, why not let the rest of the offline world hear us too?
If you want to be part of this contingent, please send us the information below in an email to: gaybloggers@baklaako.com
Name: (Real or Psuedonym, it’s up to you)
Blog Url:
Blog Title:
E-mail Address:
If you have gay and lesbian friends who want to join the Pride March in December but do not have blogs, why not ask them to start one? There’s Livejournal, Wordpress.com, Multiply, Blogspot, Vox, and a whole lot more!
So come one, come all! In or out of the closet, come na!